1.1 Product description
The DURA Ringlock scaffolding system is modular scaffolding made of prefabricated components. It consists of standards, ledgers, adapters, and diagonal braces that can be connected both vertically and horizontally. The collars sit on the standards at a distance of 0.50 m for 8 connections for adapters and ledgers. The standards have a maximum length of 4.00 m.
System decks and normal scaffolding decks are used as decking.
Bay lengths measure 1.57 m, 2.07 m, 2.57 m, and 3.07 m. Ledgers are available in lengths of 0.73 m, 1.09 m, 1.57 m, 2.07 m, 2.57 m, 3.07 m, and 4.14 m and U-transoms 0.73 m, 1.09 m, and 1.40 m.
1.2 Observations
Installation and dismantling of the DURA Ringlock scaffolding may only be carried out by persons with the requisite professional expertise. When installing, using, and dismantling, damaged scaffolding components must not be used and must be replaced with components with no defects.
Warning for wind, snow, and ice. As regards wind loads for unprotected scaffolding, wall anchors must be fitted every four meters, and as close to the transoms as possible using approved expander bolts where the tensile force has been checked. Extreme weather conditions in winter may occur with snowfalls in the form of loose snow that does not weigh too much, but when there is a change in the weather and rain starts to fall, this snow gets really heavy. It is therefore important to clear this snow immediately. There may even be freezing rain that covers the scaffolding in ice. This must be dealt with straight away by sanding the platforms. Protected scaffolding is considered from case to the case where the distance between wall anchors is one consideration.
1.3 Assembly of intersection
The tried and tested wedge-lock principle has been selected as a connection (standard – ledger). In this way, the scaffolding has already attained its fixed angle of 90° with the wedge loosely inserted. A hammer stroke to the wedge creates a secure lock position. The upper and lower contact surfaces of end piece press against the standard tube (figure 1) creating an extremely rigid connection.
Figure 1: Wedge-lock connection
The wedge lock on the ledger moves laterally over the collar. The wedge sits on the top of the ledger attached by a rivet on the apex.
Figure 2: Fitting the wedge-lock
Fitting the wedge into one of the holes in the collar and applying a hammer stroke to the wedge ensures a secure connection.
Figure 3: Wedging the wedge-lock
The collar has four small holes at 90° in relation to each other. Connect the adapters and ledgers here when an exact right angle is required. These set automatically when wedging.
Oblong holes are located between the small holes that enable connection of the adapters at 45 degrees plus/minus 15 degrees. This means constructions can be made that are not tied by the 90-degree distance (figure 5). An example is signboard scaffolding with an equilateral triangle layout (45 degrees) and constructions around oil storage tanks.
Using two adapters makes all angles between 45 degrees and 15 degrees possible.
Figure 4: Top view of collar connections for DURA Ringlock Scaffold
1.4 Installation of DURA Ringlock scaffolding System
1.4-1 Bottom section
Place the base jacks in pairs at a measured distance lengthwise and crosswise. You can see the distance by laying ledgers along the object to be worked. Start installation where the ground level is as high as possible. Any ground incline requiring fine adjustment of the scaffolding and its height is taken care of using the spindle in the base jacks to a maximum of 50 cm. The maximum dimensioned force from the base jack is 2.5 kN (approx 2.500 kg). If necessary you must lay suitable wooden planks underneath to cover both the inner and outer standards in one piece wherever possible in order to distribute the load evenly. If the planks are not level, wedge support must be used. If the ground has been excavated and refilled this needs to be packed to ensure a stable foundation.
Figure 5: Base Jack Bottom Section
The based collars are inserted on the threaded base jacks and connected using ledgers and transoms. Before you secure the wedges, the horizontal alignment of the scaffolding needs to be checked using a spirit level. Following wedging, the bottom level is exact and now complete, and you can now start to build upwards.
Figure 6: Bottom Section of DURA Ringlock Scaffolding
1.4-2 Building vertically
Thread the vertical standards onto the based collars. Fit the transoms and ledgers for the next platform. The distance between platforms may be a maximum of 2 m. Select transoms for the current decking. Use transoms and ledgers with U-adapter profiles for steel deck, aluminum, or combi decks. Lock the decking using a deck lock to prevent unintentional lift-off
Figure 7: The scaffolding is braced using diagonal braces
When using the console brackets, the space between the main level and bracket level must be fitted with longitudinal beams (ledger or filler deck) or covered in some other way.
1.4-3 Dismantling DURA Ringlock scaffolding system.
Start dismantling the top platform by knocking out the wedges in the ledgers and lifting out the toe board from its holder. When the ledgers, toe board, and holder have been dismantled and removed from the top platform, you can now continue dismantling from the platform underneath in the order of decking(aluminum tread plate can also be used), transoms, standards, ledgers, and then diagonals and anchors but only on the platform that is being dismantled. Dismantle platform by platform as per these instructions until the bottom of the scaffolding is reached. Let the ledgers and transoms remain locked in the based collars in the bottom section, lift out the vertical standards from the based collars and dismantle the bottom section.
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